Seit Yoshiko vor zehn Jahren aufgetaucht ist, war Akkuns Leben nicht mehr dasselbe. Diese Folge behandelt diese traumatische Kindheit.
Ten years ago, Yoshiko met Akuru. Childhood friends, the kid next door, the old cliché story, shattered into a million pieces with the tragedy which unfolds. Young Akuru seeks the power to defeat Yoshiko, surpassing his limits out of fear. What is born in the young Akuru's heart?
10년 전, 요시코와 아쿠츠가 처음 만났던 날. 그날은 이웃집 소꿉친구라는 달달한 환상을 부숴버린 참극의 시작이었는데.
Akutsu se lembra quando Yoshiko virou sua vizinha e como sua vida mudou.
Akkun nos cuenta cómo conoció a Yoshiko y el calvario que ha sido su vida desde entonces.
Dieci anni fa, il primo incontro tra Yoshiko e Akkun.