Which side are you on? Panelists battle it out over the proper way to hang toilet paper.
Is it a hard G or a soft G? Panelists battle it out over the correct way to pronounce GIF.
Haha or LOL? There’s nothing funny about it. Texting etiquette sparks an intense debate.
Would you kill Baby Hitler? Things get emotional as our panel tackles this issue.
Cake or Pie? There’s nothing sweet about this intense debate. What’s your choice?
We all put our pants on one leg at a time, but how would dogs put their pants on? Agree to Disagree goes there.
Dwayne Johnson is an actor, wrestler and so much more, but to some he’ll always be The Rock.
There’s a right way and a wrong way to “do it”: Missionary or Doggy Style?
Voicemails: An effective communication tool or an epic waste of time?
Does bread and meat always equal sandwich? We take on the great hot dog debate.
Does wearing socks with sandals have any place in a civil society?
Winter came and went. Now we ask ourselves was the Game of Thrones finale worth the wait?
Peanut butter comes in two styles and you can only choose one. Is it creamy or crunchy?
Eating ass is trendy, but is it ok? We dive face first into the debate.
When you’re not going comando what are you going with: Boxers or Briefs?
It’s a classic food fight. What’s the proper way to eat a slice of pizza: folded or flat?
Trying to figure out the right way to ride-share?
Your ass is on the line. Are you wiping the toilet seat or covering it up? Featuring: Gus Johnson (@Gusbuckets), Eva Victor (@evaandheriud), Hanna Dickinson (@hansdickie) and Jordan Mendoza (@jordypizza).
They were on a break! Or were they? In the case of Ross v. Rachel on Friends, who was wrong?
Water, water everywhere... but which kind would you like to drink: sparkling or still?