Home / Series / After Skool / Aired Order / Season 2017 / Episode 11

Is Ignorance Bliss?

Ignorance is defined as the state of lacking knowledge or lacking information. With the internet today, we are flooded with so much information that we can’t possibly follow it all. There’s simply too much for our senses to handle. So the short answer is YES, ignorance is bliss. Now, there is a focus for your life and if you want a sense of purpose, you will have to develop a skill or an expertise in something. This is where being ignorant will not serve you. Imagine if Steph Curry stayed ignorant to basketball? Or Conor McGregor refused to learn every single aspect of MMA? (Do you think Conor is a good example here? Tell us your thoughts in the comments) When developing a skill there are 4 stages. Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence and unconscious competence. These are the 4 steps to becoming a master at something.

  • Originally Aired August 28, 2017
  • Runtime 5 minutes
  • Created February 6, 2024 by
  • Modified February 6, 2024 by