In this first episode of the series, Richard Dolan examines the early push for UFO Disclosure by the organization known as NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena) and delves into the presidential briefings on the subject of aerial phenomena. Dolan also explains the potential filtering of advanced extraterrestrial technologies to defense contractors to reproduce and utilize for military application.
What are the ties between UAP and nuclear technology? Richard Dolan examines numerous reports involving UFOs and their interest in nuclear power plants in the US and overseas, which have led to official investigations. On many occasions, military jets were scrambled to intercept these mysterious objects, which would often vanish from the area only to return sometime later.
Many events have been concealed from the public for decades. Richard Dolan explains the possible reasons why it was a necessity for the United States government to maintain UFO secrecy. He also explores the significant cost involved to keep such information from the public hands which include atomic energy secrets. Dolan also touches on the massive implications of the Roswell UFO crash.
Roswell and Project Blue Book are popular topics connecting the public to UAP documentation. Examining official US government documents on UFOs, Richard Dolan explores tangible pieces of history such as the General Nathan Twining memo and evidence of government investigations into both the Roswell UFO incident and the birth of Project Blue Book.
Despite no mentions of UFOs in biographies of President Harry Truman, there are well-documented accounts of his involvement with the US government’s investigations. Richard Dolan delves into President Truman's briefings on UFOs, as well as the government secrecy surrounding the subject. The continued incursions of UFOs over numerous power plants throughout the United States are also explored, including the official reports from the Energy Commission that forced a response by the U.S. military.
Skeptics of ETs and UFOs often demand proof, but few “smoking gun” pieces of substantiation reach the public. Richard Dolan examines evidence supporting an official document of the United States government from 1948. This invaluable text concludes that the extraterrestrial hypothesis was the best explanation for the countless UFO incidents and reports from that era. This document has been referred to as 'The Estimate of the Situation'.
Many have experienced unexplainable sights in the skies, even “great balls of fire” as the famous pop song goes. Richard Dolan examines a special investigation into the myriad reported sightings of mysterious green fireballs, which were not considered meteorological in nature by astronomers. Dolan also explores numerous eyewitness reports of this strange phenomenon.
Multiple US organizations retain evidence relating to ETs and UFOs, and as time unfurls more reports are disclosed. Richard Dolan analyzes an official investigation into UFO phenomena carried out by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and reviews several valuable government documents. Dolan also examines the reported sightings of UFOs over Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States, which were also caught on radar travelling at the incredible speed of 27,000 mph.
A member of the Majestic 12, the former head of the Navy, and one of JFK’s biggest mentors, few today know the history of James Forrestal. Richard Dolan dissects the conspiracy surrounding the suspicious death of Forrestal, (the first United States Secretary of Defense), and his connection with UAP. Dolan notes that many believe Forrestal may have been silenced from pursuing and revealing sensitive information pertaining to the subjects of UFOs and ETs.
Long suspected as an elite order of US decision makers, the Majestic 12 have left behind evidence relating to UAP. Richard Dolan explains the importance of the MJ-12 documents and the reality of crashed UFOs via statements from Dr. Eric Walker, the former President of Penn State University. Dolan also remarks on those who believe there may be a connection between psi (supposed parapsychological or psychic faculties or phenomena) and UFOs.
Richard Dolan reveals information on a secret CIA memo from August 1952 outlining the incredible documentation of UFOs reaching amazing speeds. The CIA also documents the characteristics, shape, and sizes of these UFOs, some of which were said to be gigantic.
Richard Dolan describes how hundreds if not thousands of UFOs were sighted in the skies over the United States in 1952. This resulted in 1952 earning the title 'The Year of the Flying Saucer'.
What is the difference between contact and abduction, and do these modern occurrences have historical correlations? Richard Dolan explores strange contact cases from throughout the centuries.
In this episode, Richard Dolan reveals the relationship between CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter and UFO investigative author Donald Keyhoe of the organization NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena).
Richard Dolan describes an unusual incident in 1959 that unfolded in New Guinea, when many witnesses (including well-known priest Reverend Gill) witnessed a disc shaped craft hovering in the sky.
Several documented military operations resulted in direct experiences with UAP. Richard Dolan describes the details of high-altitude nuclear detonation tests carried out by the U.S. military, known as 'Operation Dominic'.
Richard Dolan reveals information on the history of U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater's interest in the UFO phenomena.
Richard Dolan explores information on secret space programs, and their potential connections with UFOs.
Richard Dolan explores two fascinating accounts of individuals reporting ‘human-looking’ alien beings.
Richard Dolan explains how the significant strengthening of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has allowed the general public to obtain important official documented proof of the United States government’s involvement in the study of UFOs.