Xinjiang is the largest province in China in terms of land area, with the Kunlun Mountains in the south, the Altai Mountains in the north and the Tian Shan Mountains in the center, and the two largest basins in China encircled between these three mountains. The air journey opens from the Tianshan Mountains, exploring the mystery of water nurturing life, getting close to Bogda Peak at an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level, visiting Tianchi in the midst of snow and ice, and flying westward into the largest grassland in Xinjiang.
新疆是中国陆地面积最大的省份。南有昆仑山,北有阿尔泰山,中部是天山。这三座大山之间,环抱着中国最大的两个盆地。我们的空中旅程从天山开启,探寻水孕育生命的奥秘。在海拔5000米之上亲近博格达峰,在冰雪之中造访天池,向西飞进新疆最大的草原——巴音布鲁克草原。从乌鲁木齐到石河子,飞越一片色彩丰富的土地。在峡谷地带,看河流如何在大地上绘画。北疆的沙漠绝境,不仅有自然雕塑的魔鬼城,也有人类创造的奇迹之城。进入卡拉麦里,追上比狼跑得还快的蒙古野驴,寻找地球上仅存的野马种群。 沿着阿尔泰山飞行,我们将去采集人与自然的故事。飞上雪山体验滑雪起源的灵感,从空中一探传说中水怪生活的喀纳斯湖。前往福海见识渔民高超的捕捞技术。跟随哈萨克牧民踏上转场的旅途。曾经,一条向西延展的古丝绸之路,承载了人们对于远方的所有激情和想像。今天,新疆成为“新丝路”的核心地带,这条道路将以前所未有的规模重新连接世界。