David McWilliams, economist and globetrotter undertakes his own personal investigation to uncover who is responsible for the Global Financial Crisis. Along the way he assembles clues and discovers evidence of a drugs syndicate in this economic underworld. The drug is ‘easy credit’ and the story is about the global addiction to the euphoric yet addictive side effects of credit; the seduction of spending, the enormous money to be made pushing the drug and the global crime gangs, which emerged in the boom to fight for control over the supply of credit. From shoppers to bankers, regulators and politicians, McWilliams investigates all facets of the scandal –using the classic plot of a “who done it” thriller. Suspense, false leads, bent cops, low-level corruption, and dreadful laziness at the top lead us to the answer of Who Killed the Economy?
David McWilliams gives us his economic diagnosis as he takes us on a journey through the world’s most affected areas. The problem? We’re treating the symptoms but ignoring the cause, leaving ourselves wide open to another crisis – which could be fatal. We travel to the far ends of the globe, witnessing the fallout on people and businesses and discover that because of the intricate links in the global economic chain, events in one country can have massive ramifications on the other side of the world. From China to Iceland, the US to the Honduras, Australia to Ireland, people’s lives have been forever changed and we’re only now realising that there is nowhere to hide.
The Party is Over. Having barely survived a complete collapse of the financial system, the global economy is tottering on the brink… we’ve reached the limits of what our desires demand of the planet and what it can deliver. By looking to past failed civilisations we can learn what not to do with our future. Like the ancient Mayans, we’re reaching peak everything – oil, land, population, climate, food and water – but the question is whether we can manage the change or will we let the changes manage us. Economist David McWilliams looks to some of the most innovative and exciting developments around the globe as we embark on a quest for re-building a sustainable economy and a sustainable planet. Is this crisis the wake-up call we desperately need to have? Do we need to turn eco-warriors into eco-capitalists and launch the next great bubble – a Green Bubble?