Alizé travels to a small town in western Kentucky to meet Angie Yu, a Chinese-American entrepreneur who is finding new ways to manage the Invasive Carp problem in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. While Americans may want nothing to do with this bony fish, other parts of the world consider carp a resource –one to be cherished and celebrated. Can Americans learn to do the same?
The South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu may be one of the world’s most beautiful diving destinations. Its coral reefs are the backbone of the island’s environmental and economic health. Today they face destruction from a silent predator that can rapidly decimate an entire reef. Dive in with Alizé to discover how local communities are adapting to the threat and reviving coastal ecosystems.
Communities in the arid high-mountain region of Ladakh rely on glacial water to feed streams and water crops during the spring and summer months. Global warming is dramatically re-shaping the future of these areas. Meet a Ladakhi teacher and engineer who devised a method to capture and store glacial runoff into magnificent ice pyramids.