What was Czechoslovakian urban planning like, and why was it a crime against humanity? Let's find out.
In this video I share my ideas to help further revolutionize the famous Boring Company Loop system.
If this is masculinity, count me out. Also I love how Eastern European women are viewed as sentient sex dolls by these overseas creeps.
My take on the dugout loop. Yes, around the end I mistyped "lifestyle", I'm very sorry, oh wait, I'm not.
Russian Army presence near the Ukrainian border is at unprecedented levels. Will there be an invasion?
What a wild twist.
You know how far-righters say Viktor Orban "protected" Europe from brown people? Turns out it's a lie. Imagine my shock.
In 2021 there are people who still take the Hyperloop seriously. Makes me wonder.
Aired May 8, 2021 These conservative boomers sure have some wacky ideas about the world.
China was Free Market Capitalist. No wait, it was Socialist with limited free market policies. The authoritarian government did Socialism. No wait, the Socialism itself was the authoritarianism. Guvment bad. We are PragerU.
In the end, it was Sargon's unimpressive intellect that gave me the first nudge. Who would've thought.
Funny how one half of these "libertarians" are just conservatives, and the other half want an ethnostate.
Starship Earth to Earth is proof that the hyper-online revolutionary techbro culture has indeed peaked. It's all downhill from here.
On tonight's episode of "Reactionaries Deliberately Misunderstanding Things To Feel Validated" . . .
The first episode of my new Cities Skylines series, Carpathia. Further episodes will be covering topics such as patriotic education, new urbanism, public transit, and so on.
What the hell did we expect, really? Also I finally have an excuse to use the pictures and videos I've taken in Japan.
I've taken both the conventional Skyliner train from Narita, and the monorail from Haneda. The monorail was pretty underwhelming tbh.
Who would win? The world's tallest skyscraper built by oil billionaires, or a few 10-story commie blocks?
Gadgetbahns. They're bad, folks!
Just take my money.
The Tesla Semi is good at everything except being a truck.
Damn, the far-right is making a comeback after decades of rampant and blind patriotic education. Must be those violent videogames.
"Hey Hans, how come all the port workers have Russian accents?"
A fun little blurb as I'm working on the next video.
The worst of urban planning and capitalism, plus some slavery for good measure. Welcome to Dubai, everyone.
Cars are freedom. Traffic jams? Never heard of those.
September 23, 2021 It's hard to be a white supremacist if you know history.
Aired October 6, 2021 So yeah, this is why I think flying cars will never be a thing. Also brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
October 23, 2021 An epic bacon 420 remaster of the previous video, with developer commentary.
Original Title: Anarcho-Capitalism In Practice #2 - Messianic Boogaloo Are you ready for a miracle?
Original Title: THIS Is The Future Of Urban Planning!
Commie blocks are neat, as it turns out!
They built the right thing, but they still did it wrong.
Who would win? Decades of scientific research directed into perfecting bus batteries, or an overhead wire?
A fun thought experiment! Also, very often the true purpose of invoking personal responsibility is to get disadvantaged groups to shut up.
The energetics version of Gadgetbahn, debunked within 4 minutes, or your money back!
City Review - Prague
American vs. European Suburbs (and why the latter are much better)
Original Title: These Buildings Are BANNED In America, These Buildings Could Solve The Housing Crisis (but the US banned them)
Why Your Job Feels Meaningless, And How To Fix It