Asahi Kuromine, a high-school boy who has trouble keeping a secret from anyone, has a crush on his cool and reserved classmate Yōko Shiragami. While he worries about getting rejected in a similar manner to his confession of love with Class President Nagisa Aizawa, his classmates encourage him to try again. Upon reaching the classroom to confess to Yōko, he finds her unfurling a large pair of wings from her back. Yōko admits to Asahi that she is a vampire, but could only come to school if she hid her true identity from everyone. Asahi swears that he'll be her friend and keep her secret safe. Meanwhile, Newspaper Club head Mikan Akemi plans to see how Asahi's confession went, and Nagisa appears to be spying on Asahi from afar.
Asahi Kuromine, quien está considerado por sus compañeros como una persona incapaz de guardar un secreto, está enamorado de Youko Shiragami. Alentado por sus amigos, decide declararle su amor a través de una carta. Cuando llega a uno de los salones de clases seguro de que la encontrará sola para entregarle la carta y luego huir lo más rápido posible, queda perplejo con lo que acaba descubriendo. ¿Será capaz de por una vez guardar un secreto?