Aeofel attempts to escape the pit, firstly with a 16 and secondly with an 18 yelling for help. Jim throws open the wardrobe searching for the fabled hidden armor Sitheer spoke of and is slashed by hidden trap blades but does discover a particularly impressive set of chainmail. While the rest of his team is finishing their battle with Dwarven guards and automatons, Aeofel finally falls unconscious in the acid pit and fails his first death saving throw. Jim grabs the supposedly acid-proof chainmail still attempting to fight back and passing off this armor to Omin. Aeofel reaches his negative bloodied value and dies in the acid. Chris spends the next few minutes explaining the concept of death to the adults at the table. Binwin, Omin, and Jim finish fighting the remaining foes and regroup in the bedroom of Leer Ambershard. The party uses Sitheer's guidance to evade the remaining traps and escape Ambershard Manor, Jim fishes out some of Aeofel's old golden armbands before leaving.