"Dungeons and Wagons" Having successfully navigated Jim's illusion maze, the "C" Team embarks on its first official excursion to stop a band of goblins marauding north of Westbridge. Along the way, they acquire a badass cart, get embroiled in an artistic feud, and liberate a dragonborn egg that Donaar grows very attached to.
The "Jimterlude" occurred in the middle of "The House Wins" arc, with Mike DM'ing for a session and the party magically summoned by Jim Darkmagic's apprentice to win the Wizard Kart for him and thus to help Jim undo a curse he accidentally put onto himself.
"The Handfasting of Walnut & Brahma" starts off with a Flash Forward to the end of the season, namely, to Walnut and Brahma Lutiere's wedding, before jumping back, in a classic case of How We Got Here, to the day Rosie returned from Chult. In the present, Brahma has gone missing while fighting the Tiamat cult in Skolla, and Oak of Team Bellerophon hires the "C" Team to help him find her, unaware that Omin has just revoked his Wildcard License and put a bounty on his head. The party catches up with Brahma in the catacombs under a Westbridge temple, only to discover that she has, apparently, been corrupted and granted powers of necromancy by Tiamat.
Amy T. Falcone (aka Walnut) DMs a charity stream for RAICES featuring Kate Welch as Rosie, Kris Straub as K'Thriss, Ryan Hartmann as Donarr, and Mike Krahulik as Jim Darkmagic
Watch as a legendary pair of TTRPGers face off against each other in a 1v1 event like never before. Jerry Holkins and Kris Straub will sit across a table from each other, and using the power of words, numbers, and a little imagination, craft--for your enjoyment! -- a tale. We know you'll laugh, and maybe love this LIVE panel, but hopefully you'll also learn something, as these dual masters do a dungeon.
Are you blessed with a group of small animals that sees to your personal grooming each morning? Does speaking in the glossolalia of the resonant and maddening voice of your eldritch Patron make you a hit at parties? Or perhaps you’re cursed with a tail that has a mind of its own. Or are you given more jars of eyeballs than you know what to do with? Like seriously. Well, have no fear, because after more than a full year away, The "C" Team is BACK and embarking upon their most unprofitable quest yet! Present them with your problems, no matter how trivial, and witness first-hand as they draw upon a career of meddling in other people's business to provide you, dear reader, with solutions!
PAX West 2022
The thrilling sequel to PAX West 2021's 1v1 tour-de-force! WATCH as Kris Straub masterfully dungeons Jerry Holkins, the DM Daddy himself, in single psychic combat, all for you wonderful people out there in the dark! LISTEN as Kris' creatures creep cryptically into your cranium, immune to Jerry's japes, jokes, and jabs! FEEL the force of this fell feature flip your very wig as you struggle to contain yourself, so overwhelmed are you by the multitudes contained within this single hour.