I was asked to write a dickscription for this cock of a Let's Play, so here we fuckin' go. You want quality and sophistication? Well fuck you right in the penis hole. This is Genital Motherfucking Cockfucking Mother Dick Suckfucking Jousting up here in this penis. We played it once. Those cocks got lubed up and wet and slippery and we jizzed hard and fast and all over the place. And now that we've had a chance to let our hard-on throb cocks recharge, we're ready to get penis blasting once again. Oh, sorry. Was that description too penisy for you? Well fuck that. You're literally watching a video of dicks going up butts. This is what you asked for by clicking on this dick slapping, ball-busting, jizz-gravy spewing video. This is what you fucking get.