Sawamura replaces Furuya on the ninth but feels overwhelmed by the cheering crowd, and Umemiya's fighting spirit. Aware of Sawamura's state of mind but at full count, Miyuki takes the time to decide what pitch to call. He thinks of Kataoka's strategy before their defense, but Miyuki calls for a pitch to the inside to strike Umemiya out.
Le coach Kataoka décide de remplacer Furuya par Sawamura. Voyons si ce dernier surmonte l'atmopshère qui se dégage du stage. En effet, quasiment tout le public est pour Ugumori, et ça se ressent sur le moral des joueurs.
카타오카 감독은 마지막 이닝을 사와무라에게 맡길 것을 결정한다. 아쉽게도 무득점으로 끝마친 세이도의 8회 말 공격. 그리고 드디어 마운드에 사와무라가 오르는데...