Seidou High continue to expand their lead. But despite being down by five, Ugumori's team however, remain unperturbed and cheerful. Finding inspiration from Matsubara's strong will he's continued to show the team, and the cheering crowd behind them, Ugumori's batters attack relentlessly with no plans of stopping.
Après un mauvais départ face à Ugumori, Seido est parvenu à tirer son épingle du jeu et mène maintenant de 3 points. Furuya enchaîne les lancers, et compte bien garder son rythme jusqu'à la fin du match !
무난히 우구모리와의 점수차를 벌려나가는 세이도. 그러나 패색이 짙은 상황 속에서도 우구모리의 벤치 분위기는 활기차기만 했는데...