The third round of the fall tournament begin. There is an air of tension in Seidou's dugout after the fallout between Miyuki and Maezono the night before. Miyuki however, is quick to remind the team to focus on beating the opponent and they agree. At game time, Furuya recalls what Umemiya had told him in the washroom just before their match, and disobeys Miyuki's lead.
Le match qui oppose Seido à Ugumori commence. C'est Furuya le lanceur titulaire. Saura-t-il faire face à Umemiya, le leader d'Ugumori ?
이나시로 실업을 꺾고 올라온 우구모리와의 시합이 시작되었다. 시작부터 삐걱대기 시작한 선발 후류야, 시합 전 만난 우구모리의 에이스 우메미야의 도발이 머리속에서 떠나질 않았는데...