As Seidos's players continue to get confused by Narumiya's pitches, Coach Katoka comes up with a dangerous plan. He tells his batters to give up on the change-up. Seido begins their rally with the underclassmen. Furuya gets on base, Eijun moves him to second, and Kuramochi gets on bringing Ryosuke to bat. Inashiro's defense begins to shift for the threat, but they are all shocked when Ryousuke asks Katoka to replace with a pinch hitter.
Seido remonte peu à peu la pente et pousse de plus en plus Mei à la faute. Mei va dépasser ses cent lancers. Seido pourra-t-il revenir au score et l'emporter ?
또다시 큰 위기를 넘기고 세이도는 비장하게 8회초 공격에 임한다. 하위타선인 후루야와 사와무라, 시라스의 활약으로 1사 주자 1, 3루의 기회를 맞이하고... 그리고 타순은 1번으로 돌아와 쿠라모치가 막중한 책임을 지고 타석에 서는데...