Inashiro manages to load the bases with two outs against Tanba, but Tanba pulls through to get Seido going. To counter Seido's potential momentum Narumiya and Harada change their pitching pattern frequently, confusing Seido's batters. As the innings change and the Seido players walk out to the field, Kuramochi stops Ryosuke to ask him about his injury and whether or not he can go on.
Tanba doit tenir le coup face aux batteurs d'Inashiro alors que Mei et Harada décident de passer à la vitesse supérieure pour anéantir tous les espoirs de Seido.
나루미야의 압도적인 투구 앞에서 속수무책 당하는 세이도 타선. 반면에 탄바는 매회마다 위기를 맞으며 힘든 싸움을 벌인다. 한편 다리 부상을 감추고 뛰던 코미나토는 점점 플레이가 힘에 부치는데…