Despite seeing Mei's pitching, Sawamura declares that they will be the ones to advance to Nationals. When the first years need to use the restroom after the match, Kazuya decides to escort them so they won't get lost like usual. While waiting for the first years to finish, Kazuya and Mei meet face-to-face, and we learn that Mei had tried to recruit Kazuya to Inashiro to form the strongest team in the nation. Instead of joining them, Kazuya vowed to beat them and form the strongest team elsewhere. This episode covers chapter 140 and the second half of 149.
Inashiro va affronter Seido en finale. Mais l'année dernière, Seido n'avait pas réussi à les battre.
압도적인 피칭을 보여준 나루미야를 바라보는 미유키의 심경은 복잡했다. 저 완벽한 피칭을 무너뜨려야 한다는 압박감과 강자 앞에서 발동되는 특유의 승부욕. 그 가운데 문득 포수의 세계에 첫 발을 디딘 그 시절을 회상한다.