The match between Seido and Puplic Murata East ends with Seido getting another called game, 10-0 after 5 innings. Seido sticks around to watch the next game and sees Akikawa Academy's Shunshin Yeung and his clockwork control. Yeung pitches mostly to the outside corners, and his rotation of the spots makes it hard for batters to predict where it will be. Seido begins planning immediately to combat it. Scouts and magazine writers head to Seido to watch Furuya pitch. However Miyuki realizes Furuya's body isn't used to Tokyo's heat after coming down from Hakkiado and limits him to 10 pitches. Everyone that sticks around gets to watch Sawamura work o nhis inside control with Kanmemaru in the batting circle. The next day the reporters head to Akikawa where they are shocked to see Yeung is th epitcher for the practice sessions. They also see the pitching machine turned up full throttle so Akikawa's players can get used to seeing the speed with their eyes, even if they can't hit it.
Alors que l’équipe de Seido enchaîne les victoires, le coach aimerait qu’ils regardent le match de leurs prochains adversaires, dont le lanceur est particulièrement redoutable…
3차전을 가볍게 승리한 세이도는 다음 상대가 결정될 다음 경기를 관전한다. 다음 상대는 아키카와. 아키카와의 에이스는 정밀기계로 불리는 대만인 유학생 양순첸. 스트라이크존을 종횡으로 휘저으며 투수를 농락하는 칼같은 제구에 세이도는 긴장하는데…