Kiryu's ace, Hiromi Toshi, continues to dominate Seido's batters as his speed increases as the game goes on. Miyuki decides to play a game with Toshi and has Furuya pitch full out with the goal of striking out the ace. To show off more of his dominance, Furuya hits a homer off of Toshi in the bottom of the fifth. As the two teams appear to become even, we reach the sixth inning. Sawamura is brought in to pitch the remaining four innings while Furuya is sent to the outfield to give him fielding practice and additional at bats. Takahiro Matsumoto gets pissed, thinking his team is merely practice targets for Seido's first years. Sawamura experiences pitching problems similar to Furuya's. However because his previous team was weak, he is used to such situations and quickly begins to adjust.
Alors que Furuya commence à trouver son rythme, le tour d’Eijun arrive. Que va-t-il bien pouvoir nous concocter face à Osaka Kiryu, l’une des meilleures équipes du Japon ? Et plus particulièrement leur lanceur, dont le sourire en fait frémir plus d’un…
완전히 부활한 후루야는 자기 피칭을 되찾아 5화를 완벽히 틀어막고 타석에서는 홈런까지 친다. 분위기를 탄 상황에서 마운드는 긴장감에 바짝 얼어 있던 사와무라에게 넘어오는데... 파워라면 둘째가라면 서러운 키류 타선 상대의 무빙볼은 조금 손맛이 더러운 배팅볼에 불과했다.