Pochi anni fa a Grottaferrata (Roma) vi è stata una straordinaria scoperta archeologica: una tomba romana col sigillo ancora intatto, dove sono sepolti una ricca matrona romana, Ebuzia Quarta, e suo figlio Tito Carvilio Gemello. Il mistero è questo: i corpi sono mummificati. Non sono stati cremati, come si usava nell’antica Roma, ma erano diventati mummie, come nell’antico Egitto…
Imperial Rome, between the first and second century AD. A young nobleman suddenly dies and before too long his mother follows him to the grave. Summer of 2000, a chance discovery of a tomb in the suburbs of Rome, presents the scientific establishment with an extraordinary opportunity and a unique set of clues. Inside the tomb are two marble coffins and in each coffin preserved bodies and some very special artifacts. This film is a scientific detective story to uncover just who these two people were, their status and lifestyle and, most importantly, why they were preserved at a time when most citizens were cremated.