In the world of the professional abalone diver, it's an unceasing battle with the elements and as the Winter cease-fire ends, the Spring offensive begins. Howard Rodd's, young sons are stepping up: Dene makes his first professional abalone dive, trained by his excitable older brother Neil. The very real risks that saw their father lose two crew members over his career are in the forefront of these young minds as they dive together into the precarious depths of the abalone beds. Further up the coast the Craig boys also keep it in the family. Twins Tobias and Tyrone shell for big brother Ben, also recovering from the shock of a recent shark encounter. Desperate to make a better go of it, Dominic "the Dominator" has ruffled a few feathers by joining a new team with better prospects... but his engine blows up. With the pressure on to fill a giant order of live abalone in just a few days he borrows a boat once belonging to a fallen friend, and it's a move that will make or break him. Meanwhile shady characters connected to the world of organised crime are still illegally depleting the stocks of abalone and the local fisheries patrol officers continue their year-long war with unscrupulous abalone poachers.