يجمع رستم أبناؤه ويخبرهم أن البنك سيحجز على المنتجع لو لم يسدد ديونه ويخبرهم أن الحل هو الحصول على أمواله من الأشخاص الذين نصبوا عليه قديمًا، ولم يهتم بإعادة أمواله منهم ويطلب منهم وضع خطة للنصب عليهم
Rustam collects his sons and tells them that the bank will be seized on the resort if he did not pay its debts and tells them that the solution is to obtain his money from the people who installed it in the past, and he did not care about returning its money from them and asked them to set a plan for the monument on them.