Despite the technological "comforts" of the ISS, a year in space - the longest space mission in American history - has been described as the epitome of extreme, with extraordinarily high physical stakes. Following Scott in space and his identical twin Mark Kelly at home on Earth, the specials will tell the story of what it takes, mentally and physically, to spend a year in space and then, using what NASA has learned from the Kelly brothers, what it means for humanity as we journey to Mars and beyond.
The first installment of A Year in Space tracks astronaut Scott Kelly’s 12-month mission on the International Space Station, from launch to landing, as NASA charts the effects of long-duration spaceflight by comparing Scott to his identical twin on Earth, fellow astronaut Mark Kelly. Witness the rigors of Scott’s training to live in space for an entire year, while coming to know Scott's family and their collective fears, dreams, stresses, and loves. Interwoven into the series’ compelling personal story, A Year in Space also delves into the broader historical context of the mission, including the history of space exploration, the political background of the Russian-US relationship, and the science and engineering conundrums posed by interplanetary space travel.
In Beyond a Year in Space, astronaut Scott Kelly returns to Earth after spending a record-breaking year in outerspace. Now, scientists study Scott to answer pivotal questions: How did space change Scott, and how can we keep future astronauts safe on long journeys to deep space- and beyond? Jessica Meir & Victor Glover are among the latest class of astronauts on track to becoming the first individuals to travel to Mars. Follow closely as the astronauts of Class 21 face a new set of challenges unlike any other encountered in the space race. Isolation, extreme amounts of radiation, and the unknown effects of zero gravity on the human body: these are the new dangers facing space-bound humans. By analyzing the Kelly brothers, NASA hopes to gain a full understanding of the effects of space flight on the body. These advancements will make it possible to send people like Jessica and Victor to Mars, and know that they’ll be healthy when they return. Beyond A Year in Space traces the steps of human space flight from past to present and beyond- to the future of humanity finding its place in the cosmos.