In Episode one of A Rendezvous with Destiny, we meet our heroes: Elspeth Lockewood, Cleo Brewer, and Flora Watson. After a chance encounter at the Cherry Tree bar , the trio are pulled by a mysterious force into something a lot greater than they expected...
In episode two of A Rendezvous with Destiny, our heroes encounter an aggressive creature in the shadows, receive some mysterious gifts, and learn a truth which will forever change their lives...
In Episode Three of A Rendezvous with Destiny, Elspeth, Flora and Cleo make their way to a mysterious bar, travel to a strange new realm, and encounter one very good boy.
In Episode Four of a Rendezvous with Destiny, our heroes discover that something is missing from the Underworld. Elspeth and Simon swap book reviews, Flora asks Persephone to become her dealer, and Cleo tells the girls all about her greatest rival.
In Episode Five of A Rendezvous With Destiny, the gang faces their first escaped soul. Elspeth destroys school property, Flora tries to catch 'em all, and Cleo (hopefully) gets a little closure.
Put your detective hats on! In Episode Six of A Rendezvous with Destiny, the gang decides to go snooping. Elspeth breaks into a building after hours, Flora fights the urge to TP, and Cleo starts a study group.
In Episode Seven of a Rendezvous with Destiny, the gang encounters their second legendary hero. Flora is captivated by cake, Cleo does some heavy lifting, and Elspeth realises sometimes violence really is the answer.
In Episode Eight of a Rendezvous With Destiny, the third nefarious soul catches our heroes by surprise. Elspeth loses at hide and seek, Cleo plays baseball with a ghost, and Flora makes a new friend.
In the penultimate episode of A Rendezvous With Destiny's first arc, the gang gets political. Cleo's ego gets a legendary boost, Elspeth enjoys some quality mother-daughter time, and Flora tries to join an Aide Program. If you'd like a shoutout in an upcoming episode, please tweet @RWD_Pod .
In the final episode of A Rendezvous with Destiny's first arc, our heroes face their greatest challenge yet. Flora reaches her dad's answering machine, Elspeth proves two hands are better than a hundred, and Cleo shows everyone the meaning of cat-like reflexes.
The girls are back for a new adventure! Following their defeat of Hyperion's minions, our heroes take a little time to train, relax, and ask some very pertinent questions. Flora gets cosy with the Amazons, Cleo visits her bed-bound rival, and Elspeth's mother has some explaining to do.
Our heroes are excited for a nice relaxing dinner with Elspeth's mother, a well earned break from their world-saving. But, an unexpected dinner guest prompts the girls to ask, have they bitten off more than they can chew? Flora consumes an inhuman amount of garlic bread, Cleo gets violent with a butter knife, and Elspeth has a mother-daughter heart-to-heart.
A short teaser for the podcast A Rendezvous With Destiny.
In this week's episode of A Rendezvous with Destiny, our heroes take the week off! Instead, the party is replaced with the RWD Crew, as they answer some listener questions about the making of the podcast, and their very own characters. If there are any more questions you'd like to get answered, please tweet at us @RWD_Pod , and we'd be more than happy to reply!
This week, the cast of A Rendezvous With Destiny take a break, in lieu of a very special episode from one Fred Monmouth. Elspeth gets sidetracked by shrimp facts, Cleo chats tv habits, and Flora asks after Unicorns. Please enjoy our second interlude episode 'The Demigod Guides', and we should return next week with your regular adventuring shenanigans.
This week, our benevolent GM Luce is here to give you all a little update on RWD's recording schedule. We just can't wait to get started on Season Two! In the meantime, if there's any one-shot systems you'd like to see us use, please do let us know @RWD_Pod on twitter. See you there.
The polls are in, and we're playing Dungeons and Dragons! In the first episode of our mini-arc, Am takes the reins as GM, and our heroes Aranrin (Luce), Orion (Graham) and Griff (Will) encounter puzzles, monsters, and the potential beginning of a beautiful friendship/adventuring party.
In the second episode of the gang's D&D oneshot, our party continues to make their way through the dungeon. Griff is suspicious of books, Orion talks his way into even more trouble, and Aranrin discovers a shocking family secret.