In 2011 a distressed 999 call is made by Julie Dixon to say masked men have attacked, and her partner David is in a room on fire. But a different story later emerges...
Truck driver Collin Reeves calls the police and makes a sickening confession: he has stabbed both of his neighbours to death with a commando knife. But was is pre-meditated murder?
Glastonbury yoga teacher Dawn Lewis calls 999 and says that she has stabbed her lodger Glenn Richards in self-defence. Richards had a history of violence, so Lewis' story seems believable...
On 17th February 2014, 19-year-old Lewis Daynes calls the police to say he has stabbed 14-year-old Breck Bednar. Was this the culmination of a plan to take advantage of the younger teen?
Holiday-maker Mark Terry calls the police after his friend Gary Pocock is found dead on the beach, hideously beaten and unidentifiable except for a distinctive dragon ring he always wore.