The story is set in a prison in the near future. It revolves around Hina Saotome, imprisoned despite her innocence, and the elegant yet sadistic guard Aki Myoujin. Hina's heart and body are at the mercy of Myoujin's "heartless yet sweet domination" from physical examinations to lovers' prison visits.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 12 | ||
Season 1 | April 2018 | June 2018 | 13 |
Season 2 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Specials | April 2018 | June 2018 | 13 |
Unassigned Episodes | 12 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | April 2018 | June 2018 | 13 |
Unassigned Episodes | 12 |
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Originally called "Anime Zone" (アニメZone) upon its launch in March 2017, the brand was renamed "ComicFesta Anime" (ComicFestaアニメ) in February 2019. Most recently, as of May 10, 2021, ComicFesta Anime has been rebranded as "AnimeFesta." This anime block debuted in April 2017 with "Sōryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni..." and has since debuted a new series every three months following. All anime series are adapted from manga in the adult, TL ("teen's love"), and BL ("boy's love") genres, most of which are published by Suiseisha. Each anime series has two different versions: the "broadcast" version (the censored version broadcast on TV), and the "premium" version distributed online (which includes explicit sex). AnimeFesta is owned and operated by WWWave Corporation, which also runs an English-language version of ComicFesta and AnimeFesta called "Coolmic."
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