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  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 355331
  • Created April 27, 2009
  • Modified April 27, 2009
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S22E01 Shangri-la Kina, Fårö 30
S22E02 Kapstaden,Skåne 30
S22E03 Pretoria Sydafrika, Kiruna 30
S22E04 Cervinia Italien, Zermatt Schweiz, Gran Canaria 30
S22E05 Cornwall Storbritanien, Berlin Tågluff 30
S22E06 Dahab Egypten, Heilland Schweiz 30
S22E07 Avsnitt 7 30
S22E08 Genua Italien, Virituellt resande 30
S22E09 Diskobukten Grönland, Dark tourism 30
S22E10 Casablanca Marocko, Grövelsjön, Rymdturism 30
S22E11 Ko Lanta Thailand 30

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