The cast of Happily Ever After is back to relive their biggest moments. Angela and Michael, Colt and Jess, Elizabeth and Andrei, and Kalani and Aseulu are ready to respond to social media critics and Pillow Talk smack.
Kalani and Aseulu relive date night. Michael worries about Angela's medical issues. Libby and Andrei explain their decision for a second wedding. Jess and Colt give behind-the-scenes info on their Chicago trip. Tania and Syngin tune in for the first time.
Angela and Michael relive the biopsy. Kalani and Asuelu prepare for the drive to California. Elizabeth and Andrei revisit the trip to Moldova. Tania and Syngin discuss communication. Colt and Debbie discuss Vanessa, and Jess sets the record straight.
Colt and Debbie discuss their first day in Brazil. Jess sets the record straight. Kalani reveals her disappointment in Asuelu at Oliver's birthday party. Angela and Michael revisit their first days in Nigeria. Elizabeth and Andrei rehash old arguments.
Angela and Michael relive their trip to the market and dinner with his mom. Kalani and Asuelu comment on their Skype with his mom and sister. Colt, Debbie and Jess look back at their time in Brazil. Elizabeth and Andrei relive Elizabeth's baptism.
Kalani and Asuelu set the record straight on his mom's kiss. Colt, Debbie and Jess give their side of the story to the shoe throwing incident. Andrei and Elizabeth revisit the volatile family dinner. Tania and Syngin relive their argument in the car.
Kalani and Asuelu relive troubling times with his family. Colt, Debbie and Jess revisit the last day in Brazil. Andrei and Elizabeth joke about Jenn's arrival in Moldova. Michael and Angela rehash their meeting with Aunt Lydia.
Jess and Colt re-experience the cat cafe revelation. Angela and Michael revisit another fight. Kalani and Asuelu relive Kalani's confrontation. Elizabeth and Andrei look back at their trip to a vineyard. Tania and Syngin quarrel while watching the braai.
Angela and Michael relive their bachelorette party. Tania and Syngin rehash another argument. Kalani and Asuelu revisit the difficult departure from Washington. Jess and Colt go back through their breakup. Andrei and Elizabeth relive family confrontation
Elizabeth and Andrei relive their wedding reception. Angela and Michael reminisce about their wedding. Colt, Debbie and Jess rewatch Colt confronting Debbie. Kalani and Asuelu look back on the early days of quarantine.
Colt, Debbie and Jess relive the Tell All. Kalani and Asuelu rehash arguments from the beginning of quarantine. Elizabeth and Andrei defend each other. Tania and Syngin recall old fights. Angela and Michael keep talking about having a baby.