映画「HiGH&LOW THE WORST」に登場した、
Fujio Hanaoka, Seiji Kirihara, Shinya Oochi, Masaya Oochi, Madoka Ishii and Arata Maekawa are friends and they grew up together. They gather together to celebrate Seiji's birthday. The friends dig out a time a capsule they buried 10 years ago. They also write a letter to themselves for 10 years in the future and place it into a new time capsule. Afterwards, the friends experience tragedy.
- 6 From High & Low The Worst
Fujio Hanaoka, Seiji Kirihara, Shinya Orochi, Masaya Orochi, Madoka Ishii et Arata Maekawa, sont six amis d'enfance qui déterrent une capsule temporelle qu’ils ont enterrée dans un parc voisin il y a 10 ans. Ils décident alors de reproduire l'expérience mais la tragédie les guette..
하이앤로우 더 워스트 이후의 스토리로 주인공 하나오카 후지오와 그의 친구들을 다루는 시리즈로 6화를 끝으로 종영