In 1996, Michael and Mindy Shapiro went through a bitter, acrimonious divorce, involving infidelity, jealousy and revenge. But the Shapiros' divorce went beyond normal nastiness: It included accusations of murder, reports 48 Hours Correspondent Bill Lagattuta. In 1995, Dr. Shapiro began having an affair with one of his patients, Jean Adair, a married woman. Soon after, his wife discovered the affair. The next year, someone brutally murdered Adair's husband, Robert. Someone smashed Robert Adair's head in with a baseball bat. Was it his wife, Jean? Or did Mindy Shapiro have something to do with the crime? After two years, police charged Jean Adair with murdering her husband. But prosecutors will have a hard time proving their case; Mindy Shapiro gives the defense a powerful weapon. After three weeks, both sides rest. The jury deliberates. Will they find Jean Adair guilty?