「……常槍本部長に一点、確認したいことが」 細武調はISAの作戦本部長・常槍鋭一郎のもとを訪ね ブンブンジャーに関する定期報告を行う。 彼らがキャノンボーグを討ち地球の平和は守られた、と。 当事者である大也たちは日常に戻り、 それぞれの仕事に精を出し今日も街の平和を守っている。 しかしこの平和は本当に大也たちが掴んだものなのか。 何か大きな存在が組み上げたハリボテの平和を 見せられているだけなのではないか。 忍び寄る瘴気はもうすぐそこまで来ている──。
``...There's one thing I would like to confirm with Director Tsuneyari.'' Hosobucho visits ISA's Operations Headquarters Chief Eiichiro Tsuneyari and gives a regular report on Bumbunger. They defeated Cannonborg and peace on earth was preserved. The Daiyas who are involved in the incident have returned to their daily lives, working hard on their respective jobs and continuing to protect the peace of the city. But is this peace really what Daiya and his friends have achieved? Isn't it just that we're being shown a chaotic peace created by some great being? The creeping miasma is almost here.