「大切な場所くらい一人で守れなきゃ、マリンも俺を認めない」 剣呑なスパイ活動で荒んだ射士郎の心を癒す場所、水族館。 射士郎はその日も水族館で1人心を鎮めていた。 しかし、束の間の安寧のはずが そこにはアルバイトをする未来の姿が。 気分転換に水を差され顔をしかめる射士郎だったが突如苦魔獣が出現。 大切な場所を汚されまいと気焔を吐く射士郎に 協力を買って出る未来だったが、 自身のプライドを捨てられない射士郎はそれを拒否。 冷え切った2人の関係に雪解けは訪れるのか──。
``If I can't protect an important place by myself, even Marin won't recognize me.'' The aquarium is a place to soothe the heart of Yasushiro, who has been devastated by his reckless espionage activities. That day too, Shashiro was alone at the aquarium to calm his mind. However, what was supposed to be a momentary moment of peace turned into a future where I worked part-time. Shishiro grimaces as he tries to change his mood, but suddenly a beast appears. Future asks Shishiro to cooperate with him, who is determined to keep his precious place from being polluted, but he refuses because he can't let go of his pride. Will there ever be a thaw in the cold relationship between the two?
Mira tombe sur Ishiro venu se ressourcer et réfléchir à l'aquarium, lieu lié à son passé d'espion.
Ils sont alors attaqués par les Hashiriyan. Mira offre son aide, mais Ishiro, fier, la refuse. Leur relation est mise à l'épreuve.