「自分をブンブンジャーに入れてください!」 ISAとブンブンジャーの連絡係となった阿久瀬錠。 ヒーローを夢見る錠はブンブンジャーへの加入を頼み込むが、 大也の答えはあえなく却下。 いわく、錠には何かが足りない。 ヒーローとは何か。誰が為に戦うのか。 錠は大也の胸の真ん中を射抜くことができるのか。
``Please put yourself in the Bumbunger!'' Akuse Jyo became the liaison between the ISA and the Bumbunger. Locke, who dreams of becoming a hero, asks him to join Bunbunger, but Daiya simply rejects his answer. In other words, something is missing from the lock. What is a hero? Who will we fight for? Will the lock be able to shoot through the center of Daiya's chest?