Madoka Akagi (Nanase Nishino) is assigned to advertise a new brand of rice, Mizuhomare. She asks copywriter Kamo Osho (Toshifumi Muramatsu) to write a catchphrase for her, but nobody listens to her, and the meeting is cut short. When the catchphrase comes through with an unusual sentence, Madoka asks Kamo to reconsider, but he refuses to listen and ends up dozing off. Furthermore, Madoka's words anger Kamo! While eating at Masako's (Eriko Sato) cafe and playing a Pokemon game, Madoka hears Masako's son Sora (Tosho Watanabe) with a game in hand...
Un redactor publicitario super famoso se interpone en su camino. No para de molestar y no hace lo que ella le dice. Entonces se produce la misma situación en el juego...