Hajime Madoka, a police officer of the Special Accounts Unit, has been dispatched from headquarters with a special mission to cut costs at local police stations as part of fiscal austerity. She monitors detectives’ investigation expenses and suggests cost cutting plans. As she is the meticulous sort, she cannot stop thinking about a discrepancy once she spots it. She is also extraordinarily strong in numbers. Madoka was raised by her grandmother who loves detective dramas and she became a police officer because she wanted to be like the detectives she admired. However, she was born extremely unlucky and called a jinx because she gets the people around her into trouble. She was not assigned to the Criminal Affairs Division as she had hoped and ended up doing office work. Madoka sees cases from the money aspect, noticing anything odd or clues that detectives on the scene may miss to solve cases in her own unique way.
- Tokumei! Metropolitan Police Department Special Accounts Section
- Tokumei! Keishichou Tokubetsu Kaikei-gakari
對數字極其敏銳卻因「瘟神」體質沒能當上刑警的一円,奉警視廳「削減經費」的特別命令,來到被戲稱為包袱分局的萬町署。無端毀損器物、與可疑線人的往來、用途不明的支出... 面對堅持「沒錢就沒辦法辦案!」、在金錢使用觀念上卻大~有問題的刑警們,円該如何完成這項艱鉅任務?有時是經費捍衛戰的超煩敵人,有時卻是以獨到角度引導破案的超強隊友,讓人又愛又恨的「經費警察」登場!