パチンコ男、怠け者夫など世のクズ男に悩む女子達と生電話でクズ男相談会。ゲストはクズ男目線の曲で人気沸騰中の「ヤングスキニー」。さらに、大ヒット曲「本当はね、」のリズムに合わせてカミングアウト大会。あのちゃんの新事実&ササキのマジカミングアウト。 テレビ東京にて毎週木曜深夜1時30分より放送中!
A live phone consultation session with girls who are troubled by pachinko men, lazy husbands, and other scumbags of the world. Guests are "Young Skinny," whose songs from the perspective of scumbags are rapidly gaining popularity. In addition, a coming-out contest is held to the rhythm of the hit song "The Truth is...". Ano-chan's new revelation and Sasaki's coming out for real.