2021年,徐忠、纪泽结束与安欣的第一次面谈后,暂时还互不信任。高启强知道指导组来,特意安排扫了几个自家的场子给指导组交成绩。徐忠和纪泽来找安欣了解情况,安欣对数次派人下来调查的结果不抱太大信心,徐忠告诉他,他们这次就是要来除根的,徐忠的话触动了安欣。2000年,失足女黄翠翠被杀害抛尸。安欣和李响进行调查。 高启强被释放,安欣顺路送高启强回菜市场。高启强想搬些东西回去,唐小龙不许,双方差点再次起冲突。 唐家兄弟去找高启强打探安欣的背景和两人关系,高启强借此骗唐家兄弟自己与安欣关系要好,唐家兄弟赶紧讨好高启强,为他保留摊位。 刑警队长曹闯发现案件嫌疑人疯驴子,安欣主动申请入拘留所卧底。菜市场一摊贩的弟弟开音像店总被人欺负, 唐家兄弟让其去找高启强,质疑高启强与警察关系不到位。
In 2021, after Xu Zhong and Ji Ze ended their first interview with An Xin, they still didn't trust each other for the time being.Gao Qiqiang knew that the guidance group was coming, and specially arranged to scan a few of his own venues to hand in the results to the guidance group.Xu Zhong and Ji Ze came to An Xin to understand the situation. An Xin didn't have much confidence in the results of the investigation sent down this time. Xu Zhong told him that they were going to get rid of the roots this time. Xu Zhong's words touched An Xin.In 2000, Huang Cuicui, a stumbling girl, was killed and dumped.An Xin and Li Xiang conducted an investigation. Gao Qiqiang was released, and An Xin sent Gao Qiqiang back to the vegetable market along the way.Gao Qiqiang wanted to move something back, but Tang Xiaolong didn't allow it, and the two sides almost clashed again. The Tang brothers went to Gao Qiqiang to explore An Xin's background and the relationship between the two. Gao Qiqiang used thi...