ダグデドの猛攻により満身創痍となった王たちのもとへ集結する民たち。王を助け、宇蟲王を討ち滅ぼすため、チキューの民たちはそれぞれの戦いへと身を投じる。さらに、死の国ハーカバーカの扉が開かれ、死者もまたこの戦いに加わっていく。 絶望の中でも希望を失わず、何度でも立ち向かう人の強さに心を乱す宇蟲王に対し、王様戦隊が名乗りを上げる…! 「俺様たちが世界を支配する!」
The people gather around the kings who have been wounded all over by Dagded's onslaught. In order to help the king and defeat King Umushi, the people of Chikyu throw themselves into their own battles. Furthermore, the door to Harkabaka, the land of the dead, opens, and the dead also join the fight. The King's Sentai comes forward against Umushio, who is disturbed by the strength of people who never lose hope even in despair and stand up to each other again and again...! "We will rule the world!"