Watch incoming freshmen learn to adapt to dorm life, college life, and everything that comes with it. Being aided by "the coolest RA in the history of RA's" Chuck, this promises to be a colossal cluster F@%#. While some of our students are here to learn, others are here for a good....., no a great time. Watch them learn to navigate the college system and try to become over achievers in their chosen field. You see where this is going right? This may become the show that makes parents not want to send their kids to college.
Watch the boys meet their new hot neighbors and try to act cool. Who do you think pulls off being cool better?
In this episode X learns of a dorm party and Jesse explains alternative ways to ingest alcohol. X may or may not be onboard with the idea but peer pressure may work against his better judgement.
Watch incoming freshmen learn to adapt to dorm life, college life, and everything that comes with it. In this episode the gang is faced with one of college's biggest hurdles, not fitting in you say, no. "Who's buying the alcohol?" is the question being asked around the country, SDSU to Harvard. We're only assuming Harvard since we don't know anyone currently going there but regardless we're confident it's happen at Ohio State, CSULB, CSUN, Oregon State, Oregon University (go Ducks), Chico State, and feel free to add your favorite educational institution.
In this episode some really funny s#!t happens just like in the last four. The gang is finding their way and getting after it, whatever the F$&% that means. Just watch it, share it and laugh so we can make some more. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Watch incoming freshmen learn to adapt to dorm life, college life, and everything that comes with it. Being aided by "the coolest RA in the history of RA's" Chuck, this promises to be a colossal cluster F@%#. While some of our students are here to learn, others are here for a good....., no a great time. Watch them learn to navigate the college system and try to become over achievers in their chosen field. You see where this is going right?
Jesse returns home for winter break to find things are changing. Brooke Dillman guest stars as Jesse's Mom.
Gordy sells blood on Craigslist and X gets a new tutor what could possibly go wrong?
Lacey is rushing a sorority when unexpected visitors mess things up. Gordy has BIG news and Barrett looks to capitalize. Chuck is his typical hot mess. Thank you and happy birthday to the talented and wonderful Presley Lambert, who directed this episode!
Chuck needs therapy, Lacey is looking for answers, Barrett is looking for......we don't know what Barrett is looking for but we hope he finds it.
The Conclusion of Lacey's rush week and the disaster that is her sisters visiting. Barrett still troubled about Charley give him a 6.5 on the 1 to 10 scale and Chuck is just a mess.