A series of animated shorts released in theaters and as original video animation between 1988 and 1993 by Sunrise. Part of the SD Gundam media franchise, the anime was based on the popular Gashapon capsule toys and model kits being released by Bandai at the time. Released with Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack. Contains the following shorts: Fierce Fighting Chapter: Will Gundam Rise Up? (激闘編 ガンダム大地に立てるか!?, Gekitō-hen: Gundam Daichi ni Tateru ka!?) Holiday Chapter: Menace of the Zeon Hotel? The Order to Destroy Gundam Pension!! (休日編 ジオン・ホテルの脅威?ガンダム・ペンション破壊命令!!, Kyūjitsu-hen: Zeon Hotel no Kyōi? Gundam Penshon Hakai Meirei!!) The video release includes the two shorts from the theatrical release above, in addition to a new episode: Decisive Battle Chapter: SD Olympic!! The Stadium Saturated with Laughs (決戦編 SDオリンピック!!スタジアム・笑いに染めて, Kessen-hen: SD Olympic!! Stadium Warai ni Somete)