平凡的女孩天真突然在家里的洗衣机里发现了一只奇怪的袜子,一只会说话的袜子!它就是功夫袜。功夫袜实际上是来自另一个世界的功夫大师。天真把功夫袜穿在自己的脚上,他们就可以变成超级英雄——功夫女侠。在星星岛,两人一起携手,一方面帮助大家解决各种奇异的生活困难,另一方面共同完成功夫袜的使命,遵循一个古老卷轴的指示打败邪恶力量,保护他们的世界。 这部动画连续剧希望通过远古功夫大师们的奇幻故事,突出了爱这种无与伦比的力量具有战胜困难和化解仇恨,并改变这个世界的能力——爱是最厉害的功夫!
Follows the adventures of a curious 8-year-old girl named TZ who always dreamed of going on adventures and exploring wonderful places, and then one day she finds an odd-looking sock in her mother’s laundry that…. Talks. It was originally a Kung Fu Master from another world charged with guarding an ancient scroll. When the Master came through a vortex into TZ’s time, his powers were weakened, and he was transformed into a sock. However, when the little girl puts the sock on her foot she transforms into a super heroine – a kick-ass Kung Fu girl, and together they must complete Kung Fu Wa’s mission and follow the ancient scroll to defeat evil and protect their world.
Tee Zeng tiene una identidad secreta, una heroína de kung-fu que lucha contra el mal y protege su ciudad. Su superpoder se lo otorga su calcetín parlante que, de hecho, es un maestro de kung-fu que viajó en el tiempo desde la antigua China.
Uma menina chamada Tee Zeng encontra a meia falante Kung Fu Wa, que, na verdade, é um mestre de kung fu transformado por uma viagem no tempo acidental. Quando Tee Zeng calça a meia, ela se torna uma heroína.
Uma menina encontra uma meia que fala, Kung Fu Wa. Quando Tee Zeng calça a meia, ela torna-se numa heroína.
Una bambina si trasforma in un'eroina grazie ad un calzino!
Говорящий носок превращает простую школьницу в супергероиню. Похождения самого необычного мастера и его ученицы.