소락현에 역병이 퍼지고, 세풍과 은우는 병자들 치료에 몰두한다. 그런데 이 역병, 좀 이상하다?! 한편, 계지한 역시 역병의 정체를 의심한다. 과거의 일이 떠올라 괴로워하는 계지한, 역병의 진실을 누구도 알아선 안된다.
As the plague spreads throughout Sorak Village, those who are infected are on the verge of being burned alive just for the purpose of stopping the contagion. While treating the neglected patients, even Eun-woo gets infected, and Se-poong chooses to risk everything to save her. Meanwhile, Ji-han seems to be the only one who knows enough about the plague, but he just won’t say a word about it.
Cuando se desata una epidemia, el personal de la clínica inicia una búsqueda peligrosa de medicamentos. Ji-han presiente que algo anda mal, pero oculta lo que sabe.
Mitten in einer Epidemie bringt sich das Klinikpersonal bei der Suche nach Medikamenten in Gefahr. Ji-han spürt, dass etwas faul ist, behält sein Wissen aber für sich.