イベント3部存続のために浅井(前田旺志郎)が調べてくれたシンガポールの大型イベントのコンペを勝ち取るため、3部はチーム一丸となってテキパキと仕事をしていた。企画も決まりプレゼンの準備を着々と進める璃子(与田祐希)たちだったが、まだ社内審査が通っていないことを知り驚愕する……! しかし、社長の同期である雉村(森下能幸)のおかげでコンペに参加できることになり安堵する璃子たちは、仕上げ作業へ! そして、コンペ当日を迎えた璃子たち、いざプレゼンへ……!
In order to win the competition for a large-scale event in Singapore that Asai (Oshiro Maeda) researched for the survival of the 3rd division, the 3rd division was working as a team. Riko (Yuki Yoda) and the others have decided on a plan and are steadily preparing for the presentation, but they are shocked to learn that it has not passed the internal review yet...! However, thanks to Kimura (Yoshiyuki Morishita), who is in the same class as the president, Riko and the others are relieved to be able to participate in the competition, and they go to finish work! And then, on the day of the competition, Riko and the others go to the presentation...!