As a horrible drought settles over the land, the world begins to wither and die. Desperate to save their lives and their livelihoods, the people of the Chentang Pass offer all they have as a sacrifice to the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas; but their efforts to appease the mighty lord just aren’t enough. Watching the world fade to dust, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King’s son, Ne Zha (Jiang Yi Yi), realizes that the only way to save the ones he loves, is to take down the evil forces responsible for this terrible drought.
- Legend of Nezha
- Na Zha
- Heroic Journey of Ne Zha
Nezha est le fils du dieu céleste Li Jing.
Xiaolongnu est la fille du Roi Dragon de la Mer de l'Est.
Les deux divinités se lient d'amitié. Mais suite à une erreur de Nezha qui mène à une tragédie, ils doivent tous les deux se réincarner en humain et perdent tout souvenir de leur vie de divinité.