끌려가면 죽는다! 만취민혁, 만취 친구들과 함께하는 줄다리기 게임 ‼
두개골이 부서질 거 같은 대환장 딱밤내기부터 현실 100프로 반영된 오징어 게임까지????
자신만만한 수비팀, "어디 한번 뚫고 가봐!"
If you are dragged, you will die! A tug of war game with Minhyuk and his friends ‼️
From playing a big game that feels like your skull is about to break, to a squid game that reflects 100% of reality????
Confident defensive team, "Go through it at once!"
Will Minhyuck become like Sung Ki-hoon and win the championship?
Please look forward to the warm ending of Minhyuk and his friends as well~!
???? (※ Beware of cookies)