今宵の酒は “ささ結”から作った酒にしよう。豊かな日本酒の香りに励まされる居酒屋新幹線、そんな日があっても、またいい。
Near Furukawa Station in Miyagi Prefecture, Susumu Takamiya was depressed. He had made a rare mistake at work and was in trouble with the branch office. With heavy feet, he enters a roadside station and finds a rice called "Sasayui", which he has never heard of before. It is said to be an improved version of Sasanishiki, a rice variety that was once so popular that it was called "yokozuna" but lost its position and almost disappeared. Tonight's sake will be made from "Sasayuki". It's a good day to be on the izakaya shinkansen, encouraged by the rich aroma of sake.