Why Study Genesis? Genesis vs. Revelation. The Nature of Reality and the Nature of God.
The Holy Spirit Moves… The “Gap” Theory. Origin of Satan. The Mysterious Nature of Light.
Stretching the Heavens. “Big Bang” Models? The Fabric of Space. Hyperdimensions. Quantum Physics
The Origin of Life. Thermodynamics and Entropy. Molecular Chemistry. The Anthropic Principle.
The Stars and Planets. The Nebular Hypothesis. Extraterrestrial Life? Signs in the Heavens.
Fish and Fowl. The Fallacy of Evolution. Evidences of Design. Biodiversity.
Land Animals and Man. Fallacies and Frauds. Evidences of Design. Architecture of Man.
The Sabbath. Why No “erev” and “boker”? “A Repose” on the Universe? The Role of Marriage.
The Fall of Man. Marriage. Adam as a Type of Christ. Effects of the Fall.
The “Second” Murder. A Hidden Message in the Genealogy of Noah.
The “Nephilim.” Lines of Seth vs. Angel View of Genesis 6.
Noah’s Ark and Attempts to Locate it. Canopy Theory vs. Hydroplate Theory of the Flood.
The Table of Nations. Nimrod and Babylon.
The Land of Nimrod. The Doom of Babylon vs. The Fall of Babylon.
The Separation of Lot. The Battle of the Nine Kings. The Abrahamic Covenant.
Names Changed. Oaks of Mamre. Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lapse at Gerar.
The Offering of Isaac. The Bride for Isaac.
The Birth of Esau and Jacob. The Covenant Confirmed. The Stolen Blessing.
Leah and Rachel. Sons of Jacob. Jacob’s Flight.
Jacob Reconciles with Esau. Dinah Avenged. Jacob Returns to Bethel. The Generations of Esau.
The most remarkable drama in the Bible—the incredible career of Joseph.
Pharaoh’s Dreams. Brothers’ First Visit to Egypt. Brothers’ Second Visit to Egypt.
Jacob’s Family Honored. Ephraim and Manasseh Blessed. The Death of Jacob.