久能整は、自然のパーマが入ったコンプレックスを持ち、友達もガールフレンドもいない、カレーが大好きな大学生です。 彼は常に社会で当たり前のことと考えられていることに疑問を抱き、思慮深い性格で、膨大な知識と独自の価値観に基づいて彼の理論を鮮やかに発展させています。 周りで何が起こっても話さずにはいられないので「迷惑だ」と言われた青年。 ある日、彼は覚えていない殺人罪で告発されました。 刑事に尋問されている間、セイは事件の背後に隠されたヒントと刑事が持っている心配に気づきます。 そして、「事件を解決する」という特別な願望はなく、自分のペースで何が考えられるかを語りながら、事件の謎だけでなく、人々の心も解き明かします。
Totonou Kunou is a college student who has a complex about his natural perm, has no friends or a girlfriend, and simply loves curry. He is someone who always questions about what is taken for granted in society and tries to think things through thoroughly. He has a vast amount of knowledge and develops his own theories based on his unique values. As a young guy, he has lived his life being called “annoying and troublesome” because he can't help talking no matter what is happening around him.
One day, he is accused of a murder he isn’t aware of. As he is interrogated by the detectives, he realizes that there are hidden clues behind the case and the problems that the detectives are facing. Then, without any desire to “solve the case,” he just talks about whatever comes to mind at his own pace, and before you know it, he has unraveled not only the mystery of the case, but also people's hearts…
- Do Not Say Mystery
- Don't Say Mystery
- Mystery to Iu nakare
- Don't Call it Mystery (2022)
- Mystery to Iu nakare (2022)
Totonou Kunou é um estudante universitário excêntrico, sem amigos nem namorada, que ama curry e questiona as convenções sociais. Um dia, é acusado de um assassinato que não cometeu. Durante o interrogatório, ele começa a falar sobre o que vem à mente, sem querer resolver o caso, e acaba desvendando não só o mistério, mas também as emoções das pessoas ao seu redor.