Lastnik Kavčič se odloči, da je čas, da restavracija stopi v korak s časom ter da je potrebno poiskati novega kuharja, specialista molekularne gastronomije. Na koncu to mesto zavzame mlada Katja, ki bi ji Ljubo najraje navil ušesa. Nastja se nikakor ne more pripraviti do tega, da bi očetu povedala o nosečnosti. Luka prične delati kot natakar, poleg tega pa se na vse možne načine trudi povabiti Piko na zmenek.
The owner Kavčič decides that it is time for the restaurant to keep up with the times and that it is necessary to find a new chef, a specialist in molecular gastronomy. In the end, this place is taken by young Katja, who Ljubo would prefer to twist her ears. Nastya cannot bring herself to tell her father about her pregnancy. Luka starts working as a waiter, and in addition, he tries in every possible way to invite Pika on a date.